Solo works
[Film music] [Compilations] [Awards] Up Up And Astray (CD)
F.S.BLUMM & BRADIEN Split Tape (digital)
Split Tape on Pobrebop
F.S.BLUMM - Up Up Treasures
A: F.S.BLUMM - UP UP (21:33)
(Best of musical scetches and field-re...(+)
poprebop 07 - 2010
Summer Kling (CD)
some words about 'summer kling' by F.S.Blumm:
... 'summer kling' is german and means something like: Hummer sound! It is an imperative as if You are talking to a dog, or to something li...(+)
morr music - 2006
Zweite Meer (CD)
PRESS-TEXT for 'zweite meer':
Having released on Tomlab, Audiodregs, Staubgold and others F.S. Blumm now
returns to Morr Music for his second album following the debut 'Mondkuchen'.
The alb...(+)
morr music - 2005
...And Friends - Sesamsamen (CD)
Some words about ' sesamsamen' by F.S.BLUMM: _____
This album is about approaching a musical idea from various sides.
There are mainly two pieces on this album:
one is ‘coop comp’ (which stands...(+)
plop - 2004
Lichten (CD)
Some words about 'Lichten' by F.S.BLUMM:
The german word 'Lichten' means not only 'Lighten' but also to clear, to thin, to weigh, to lift
I wanted to do less:
to use less words and say more...(+)
audio dregs - 2003
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Up Up And Astray (CD)
F.S.BLUMM & BRADIEN Split Tape (digital)
Split Tape on Pobrebop
F.S.BLUMM - Up Up Treasures
A: F.S.BLUMM - UP UP (21:33)
(Best of musical scetches and field-re...(+)
poprebop 07 - 2010
F.S.BLUMM - Up Up Treasures
A: F.S.BLUMM - UP UP (21:33)
(Best of musical scetches and field-re...(+)
poprebop 07 - 2010
Summer Kling (CD)
some words about 'summer kling' by F.S.Blumm:
... 'summer kling' is german and means something like: Hummer sound! It is an imperative as if You are talking to a dog, or to something li...(+)
morr music - 2006
... 'summer kling' is german and means something like: Hummer sound! It is an imperative as if You are talking to a dog, or to something li...(+)
morr music - 2006
Zweite Meer (CD)
PRESS-TEXT for 'zweite meer':
Having released on Tomlab, Audiodregs, Staubgold and others F.S. Blumm now returns to Morr Music for his second album following the debut 'Mondkuchen'. The alb...(+)
morr music - 2005
Having released on Tomlab, Audiodregs, Staubgold and others F.S. Blumm now returns to Morr Music for his second album following the debut 'Mondkuchen'. The alb...(+)
morr music - 2005
...And Friends - Sesamsamen (CD)
Some words about ' sesamsamen' by F.S.BLUMM: _____
This album is about approaching a musical idea from various sides.
There are mainly two pieces on this album:
one is ‘coop comp’ (which stands...(+)
plop - 2004
plop - 2004
Lichten (CD)
Some words about 'Lichten' by F.S.BLUMM:
The german word 'Lichten' means not only 'Lighten' but also to clear, to thin, to weigh, to lift I wanted to do less: to use less words and say more...(+)
audio dregs - 2003
The german word 'Lichten' means not only 'Lighten' but also to clear, to thin, to weigh, to lift I wanted to do less: to use less words and say more...(+)
audio dregs - 2003
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